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1.0 Getting Started
1.1 User Interface
1.2 Alliances

2.0 City Building
2.1 Building and Conquering Cities
2.2 City Resource Management
2.3 Training Armies and Building Fleets
2.4 Buildings Tech Tree

3.0 Combat
3.1 Formations
3.2 Combat Mechanics
3.3 City Battle
3.4 Units Resource Management
3.5 Hostiles
3.6 Ground Units List
3.7 Naval Units List
3.2 Combat Mechanics

Once two armies engage in battle their formations are put in a grid where the frontline is 8 slots wide. The battle is divided in rounds where in each round one side attacks the other. The first round is the attacker attacking the defender, in the second one they switch roles and so on. The battle is fought until one side looses all the units. Also a battle can end in a draw if both sides fail to defeat the enemy in 100 rounds or both sides loose all their units at the same time (very unlikely).

How is one round in a battle fought ?

The round starts with the attacker units fireing (if they are not on the frontline) at random enemy groups, after that the defender ranged units fire back.

Once the ranged phase is over the attacker units on the frontline will start engaging the enemy units that are in the slot in front of them. The maximum number of units that can engage from a single group is 100, so it's a good rule to follow during the forming of a formation to never have groups of less than 100 units to not be at a numerical disadvantage during battle. If an attacking group doesn't have a group in front of them to engage it will engage the nearest enemy group it can find, but this time without retaliation from the enemy group (advantage of being surrounded). This means that having a more spread out frontline can be an advantage, however it's never good to dillute your troops, which means never have groups of less than 100 units.

Once the melee phase is over if neither side lost all its units another round will start but this time the attacker and the defender will switch roles.

The battle mechanics during a city battle are a little different and must tak into account the advantage that city walls give to the defender. You can read about them in the city battle section.

Rounds 4 and 5 of a battle

Fleet battle mechanics

The naval battles follow all the rules of the ground battles with two changes:

- There is no ranged phase, the battle is fought only on the frontline.
- The maximum number of ships tha can engage from a group in a single round is 5.